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M A C K E Y · G R A P H I C S ,
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My name is Christopher Mackey, I am a creative professional, with the vast majority of my career in print design and advertising. Although most of my career has been in print, I do have experience in web and social media, and I completely understand the differences and uses for CMYK and RGB. My professional career has given me knowledge and experience in multiple industries, including magazines, multiple casinos corporate graphic departments, print shops, a catalog, a major newspaper, and an apparel company. I am fluent on Macs and PCs and experienced in many graphical programs, such as Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.

Please look around and e-mail me if you have any comments, questions or simply just want to say 'Hello': chris@mackeygraphics.com

With well over a decade of professional experience in the graphic design field, I am well-versed and have developed a diverse foundation of knowledge and experience from which to pull from. Some of my previous roles include being the creative director and graphic designer for Mike Ferry’s SELLING Magazine, where I developed and implemented many new ideas, styles, and some flair. While I worked independently at first, I was able to build a team that greatly improved the overall quality of the magazine, At that point I was able to delegate interviews, writing/articles, photography, and layout & advertising designs to the team, and also coordinated with the printer, the marketing director, the CEO, president, and the owner. Before that, I was the corporate design manager at Tropicana Entertainment, where I developed and executed designs for advertising, campaigns, signage, and tiered mailers for multiple properties and also coordinated with several general managers, art/creative/marketing directors, and directly with some of the properties graphic designers. I was also the ad designer and production manager for Card Player Magazine, where I oversaw the production of the magazine, completed press checks, coordinated with the printer, and fully processed all of our advertiser’s files, in addition to the creation of all internal advertising.

My passion for excellence sets me apart from the rest. I am always committed to producing the best results possible and am very highly organized and structured in my approach to any situation. I am a versatile, creative, hard working production/graphic expert with more than 15 years of professional experience in the computer graphics, advertising and print industries in addition to having high marks from previous employers. Combining that with a Bachelor's in Art with an emphasis in Graphic Design from San Diego State University, I have been able to excel in every role I have held. I am a very quick study and am always open to exploring new ways to accomplish something more efficiently and effectively.

AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE: Advertising, Apparel, Banners, Brochures, Casino/Gaming, Catalogs, Digital Media, Flash, Freehand Illustration, Furniture Design and Craft, Flyers, Glass for Gaming, Lithography, Logos, Magazines, Package Creation, Page Layout, Photography, P.O.P. Pieces, Signage, Typography and Web.

PROGRAM/APP KNOWLEDGE: AdSpeed, Bridge, Corel Draw/Paint, Cumulus, DreamWeaver, Flash, Freehand, Illustrator, InCopy, InDesign, InSite, MS Office, PageMaker, PitStop, Photoshop, Print Factory, SimonXpress, and QuarkXpress.


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